Friday 4 April 2014

Mud,Mud,Glorious Mud.!!!

Recently on here and on my face book page I have had  a few lovely comments  about our beautiful Blue Heeler "Tilly". She is the love of our life and goes everywhere with us.
I was reminded recently of one day  a few years ago when I was out photographing my husband putting up a new fence on the farm and Tilly was with him as she always is.

She must have got bored and she wandered away a bit and  went out to check out the nearby dam, that was dry all bar one little mud patch at the bottom.

So, Tilly, being Tilly decided to wander down and have a little play....
Need I say more, I think I will let  my photos  tell the story!.

And then the fun began ....

Tilly was in doggie heaven......

She just couldn't get enough mud on her.

Finally she had enough, I took her back to the yard to give her a bath, and later she returned to help her lord and master finish the big job of fencing.

We are so fortunate to have Tilly, I assure you nothing would ever get done on the farm with out her constant presence and encouragement , she is the driving force, Or I believe that at least she believes she is.
I read recently where a blog friend has just lost their doggy  lifelong friend and companion and are broken hearted, I just can't imagine that we too will have to cross that bridge one day with our old girl.It  is something I would rather not contemplate at this point.
So Every one,
Until we meet again,
Look after yourselves and your doggie friends if you have one,

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